Wooly Doodles: Needle Felt Painting with Cathy Disbrow
Have a fun afternoon learning various 2-D felting techniques while stabbing wool into a felt sheet canvas with special felting needles.
Where Art Blossoms and Culture Thrives
Have a fun afternoon learning various 2-D felting techniques while stabbing wool into a felt sheet canvas with special felting needles.
Join theatre designer and artist, Pat Flood for a look at the Grand River Quilt Project.
A Grand Fabrication; Truth Tales and Art of a Heritage River will entertain as well as inform. This is a perfect way to learn all sorts of things about the watershed that we all share.
Make an embroidered felt ornament for Spring with Shannon Quigley
Spend an afternoon with Alison Hall learning how to Needle felt wool into your own special bird
Art and Design come together in the Artistic Apparel Fashion Show and Sale. Experience the creativity of Artisanal Designers as they showcase their unique Fashions.
Weaving Together Woolwich, Wilmot & Wellington Relax and enjoy a scenic journey with hassle-free transportation to three distinct fibre arts destinations, offering a unique perspective …