S.H.E. is Healing

by Suellen Evoy-Oozeer

Sept 7 – Oct 6 2024

Exhibit – Workshops – Ceremony

 “S.H.E. is Healing” 2024, a community art project resulting in 13 spirit portraits, is for all nations working to heal, themselves, families & communities. This project, which seeks to cultivate compassion, is inspired by the earth’s ability to heal. Like many women who turned to earthly wisdom during the pandemic, Suellen sought not only a connection with other women but also with her Celtic ancestors. 

Encouraging women to tell their story Suellen caught the subject’s enthusiasm to share their spiritual side. This process resulted in her creating visual representations of spirit.

Workshop- Intuitive Energy Art Workshop

Professional Community Artist Suellen Evoy-Oozeer has created/facilitated this workshop for over 10 years. This workshop includes creating a sacred space to explore your own spirit and connect with others. Individuals are encouraged to venture into the unknown and establish a greater familiarity with their spirit and their own unique creative source. This is not a follow the leader paint class, it is an explore your own spirit with courage and abandonment while having fun workshop. Some have reported feeling some healing or maybe even magic, you decide!

All materials provided. Please Bring paint shirt and water bottle.

Sunday Sept 15th 1pm – 5pm

Intuitive Energy Art Workshop

Intuitive Energy Art Workshop (Sept 15)


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Saturday Oct 5th 1pm – 5pm

Intuitive Energy Art Workshop (Oct 5th)

Intuitive Energy Art Workshop (Oct 5th)


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Artist Meet & Greet Saturday Sept. 14th 3pm – 5pm

Suellen will talk about the S.H.E. is Healing exhibit and be available for book signing.

Suellen’s artwork since 2009 is pursuing the elusive connection between energy of Spirit, Humanity and Earth. Since 2016 she has been motivated to generate compassion for the future of the racially diverse grandchildren. 

This community art project was produced during the pandemic at time of great change and uncertainty. “It changed me. The pandemic gifted me with the time to look inward and gave me time to paint and connect to family and friends, the subjects used in this exhibit. The women in these paintings are at various stages in life working on healing aspects of self, family, and their communities. I can’t speak specifically about another’s journey, however, I felt a kinship and respect for each of these women. I was honoured to be trusted to try and capture their spirit in a portrait. My art is my therapy and a way to connect to others. You are encouraged to look at the artwork and let it speak to you intuitively. Take pause, maybe you will even feel the energy, or feel the imagery speak.”

This work was greatly influence by many grandmothers: Powerful Sacred Woman. Grandmothers from various culture who all pray for a kinder, gentler world for their grandchildren. These wise women know the future is only possible with a living earth. S.H.E. is healing, gives homage to all human’s connection to the earth. Also, nature’s ability to heal itself and all of us.

Suellen is a painter, community art organizer and art teacher. Although painting has been her passion since childhood. She is also an art teacher and enjoys seeing people come to life as they create. She has created her own unique workshop called Intuitive Energy Painting. She is dedicated to serving the community with access to art and is a member and co-founder of Walkerville Artists Co-op. Community service is a large part of her career as well as a passionate art teacher and a full time Expressive painter.